10 Changes You Find When You Travel In Your 30s

Traveling at any age is exciting and fulfilling but the way you travel modifies per age brackets and takes a toll on your priorities, massively. Traveling in the 20s is a whole lot different than traveling in your 30s; however, the only thing that remains constant is your need to find cheap flight tickets, because no matter the age, airfare prices should be low, and money should always be saved! That said, we got you a quick list of 10 changes you find when you travel in your 30s. Let’s intrigue further.

Airline preferences

When you are in your 20s, you would be ready to adjust in any condition even if that meant scarce leg space, no meals, long-hauls or even uncomfortable seats as long as it helped you save a few pounds. But that changes drastically when you approach your 30s because comfort takes the priority and you want flight tickets for airlines that are reasonable but do not compromise on leg space, food, comfort, service, and in many ways in-flight entertainment to keep you occupied for those long hours on the plane.

Private rooms

The idea of private rooms does not even strike to you in your 20s; instead in that age, you are willing to adjust even 5 people in a room. However, that is so not what happens in the 30s. There is an innate need for privacy and comfort in your own space and hence, private rooms become a necessity not a luxury.

No late nights those lead to mornings

Though partying and having fun does not stop – be it the 30s or above, but the idea of partying and fun does change in your 30s as compared to the 20s. You would be willing to get some sleep and catch the sunrise in the morning, go hiking, cycling, sit by the beach, etc. than be dancing the night away to sleep only when the sun has risen.

Practical packing

How you pack drastically changes as you age further. You are smart, creative, and practical in the 30s, and hence, clean packing, light packing, essential packing becomes the mantra instead of pack-all-you-got.

Explore outside the set plan

In your 30s, you’ve seen a little bit of the world to know safety is your priority but can be managed in many situations and hence, you want to go that extra edge to discover a place completely even outside the guidebook and the set plan. You like exploring the culture, trying local cuisines, interacting with people and spending time knowing the area.

Travel gets a bit luxurious

In your 20s, you are focused on budget traveling to a large extent, while in 30s you prioritize comfort and seek adventure but at a given standard of service. You do not compromise on basics and invest in things that might sound like a luxury but enhance comfort and travel experience, such as private transportation, good properties, helicopter rides and more.

Alcohol becomes a distant friend

In your 20s, you could drink on liters of beer, sip on tequila, take vodka shots, and forget it all the next morning but when you are in 30s, your whole idea of the night changes. You party but within certain limits because you realize sleep is the ultimate high and you need your energy for the next morning.

Food choices become the real deal

When you were in your 20s, food was a priority but not one that was given detailed thought but that really changes when you travel in your 30s. Food and menu choice becomes a necessity and one that is given a lot of detailed thought. You are excited about food and plan your meals smartly.

You take souvenirs for everyone

When you are in your 20s, you are young and souvenirs in the form of fridge magnets also work wonders but when you travel in your 30s, things move on to another level. Family and friends expect proper souvenirs including paintings, historic remembrances, expensive chocolates, and more.

Your obsessions with selfies die

Well, selfies are really overrated in the 20s and everyone in more involved in taking pictures rather than enjoying the moments. Though the game totally changes when you travel in your 30s because you are more focused on living the moment rather than on basically only capturing it for Instagram.

And if you thought age was only a number, you are right too but slight modifications with age do tend to quietly sway in and become our habits without us even noticing. Live though the 30s!

Edward Smith

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