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Did some say summer holidays? Well, summer holidays do raise quite an alarm and if you are planning to take that road trip this summer to meet your folks or have some fun with friends you must consider preparing well for it. Here, LatinOFare has listed 5 mistakes to avoid on your summer holiday road trip.

Prep your car

The most important thing to do before you take that fun road trip is to check the car functioning properly. Check the engine, brakes, oil, transmission, power steering, and tires carefully and also get the car serviced before heading out. Get enough fuel for the road as you might not find a gas station in proximity sometimes. Also, keep a spare tire and emergency tool kit in the vehicle. Precautions are better than cure.

Get all documentation

Keep your Driver’s License, Valid Photo ID, and all the important vehicle documents updated and handy. Do not forget to get any clearances if required for the road. In case you are crossing country borders, please ensure you have the permission and applicable visas.

Get your insurance

Do not miss out on getting car insurance if you do not have one. In case, you already have one in place make sure it is updated and handy while on the trip. Also, it is advisable to get a medical insurance for all travelers in case of any urgent medical attention required while on the road.

Check the route

One thing that can turn the whole trip into a nightmare is traffic or any obstacles in your route. Hence, it is always better to check the route of your trip on GPS before you speed off. Check for alternate ways in case the main route is blocked or is choked; if the route seems troublesome avoid the trip until it clears.

Avoid popular days

You do not want to be travelling on choked roads with hundreds of people swarming the path. Thus, LatinOFare suggests you to avoid travelling on popular days such as one day before Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. In fact, it is better to either travel 2-3 days in advance or on the particular day of the holiday since most people have already left. Trust us, this will save you a lot of time.

Be careful with your belongings

While on the trip, ensure you do not forget to be vigilant of your belongings especially your handbag, jewelry, laptop, phones, etc. If you are carrying gifts, do not keep them in a place where they are visible to the onlookers. Pack smartly and keep everything hidden from a quick eye.

Keep an emergency kit

Always be prepared for anything and carry a medical emergency kit including first aids, your medicines, motion sickness pills, vitamins, etc.

Keep all essentials

If you want a comfortable journey, plan well for it. Keep all your essentials for the road including your travel pillow, chargers, sunscreen, shades, etc. Do not forget to keep some snacks for munching and water to keep you hydrated.

Happy Road Tripping!

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