Got a last minute plan to fly but no air tickets booked? Well, if you go the ordinary way, you might as well end up with rocket high last minute flights, which will pinch your pocket. So, what to do then? Don’t worry because LatinOFare has it all sorted for you. We got you these best 8 tips for booking last minute travel cheap flights that you will love.
Use the best flight finder
Using a competitive flight finder such as LatinOFare is crucial to ensure you find the best last minute flights. Booking through aggressive flight finder such as LatinOFare gets you cheaper airfare prices than booking through an agent, the airline or an average flight finder.
Be flexible – Choose undesirable times and airports
Given that last minute flight bookings have no/low flexibility in dates, the golden rule is to be flexible about flight time and airport. Search for flights during undesirable days and time. Consider booking flights on Tuesday or Wednesday, which are comparatively quieter than Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays when airfare prices are high. Choose to fly out on the day of the holiday, when most people have already left. Prepare for red-eye flights, that have fewer people competing over the seats since they are night or early morning flights. Check LatinOFare for alternate flight timings and airports.
Consider a layover
Flying directly for a last minute flight may not be the best idea. A non-stop flight is any day more expensive than a layover flight.
Use your special status to find discounts
Some websites such as LatinOFare offer discounts and special deals for students, military personnel, teachers, elderly, etc. If you are searching for last minute flights, it is always good to bank upon your special status, if any.
Sign up for price alerts
Sign up for price alerts on LatinOFare and be the first to know about dropping airfare prices and any last minute flight deals.
Sign up for airlines newsletter
Sign up for budget airlines’ newsletters to keep a close eye on airfares and grab any last minute flight deals/sales.
Follow airlines’ social media accounts
Follow the airlines’ social media accounts to know last minute flight schemes, promotions, and discounts.
Bag any cancellation holidays
Some holiday package companies offer last minute flights on huge discounts considering low bookings or cancellations because customers cannot travel.
Redeem your loyalty points
The best use of the loyalty points is now, when you are booking last minute flights. Use your frequent flyer miles to reduce the fares of the flight tickets you want to book.
The key to find the last minute flight is to constantly stay vigilant and be informed by keeping a close eye on airfare prices.
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