Complete Guide On Houston Cinema Arts Festival

People love watching movies, because of reasons of their own. Some like to escape the reality for the time being, some like the reflection of the past decades, while other simply like having a good time in the present. Hence, depending on the person, a movie can bring out different emotions in different people such as love, joy, anger, sadness, etc. Movies thus are a powerful medium of communication and hence, to honor those who work behind the scenes to produce some of the finest works and to screen some outstanding movies – the Houston Cinema Arts Society hosts the Houston Cinema Arts Festival every year where it is not merely about movie screening but interacting and learning about film making as an art.

The event is hosted across several days (usually five) in multiple venues (such as The Museum of Fine Arts, Rice Media Center, DiverseWorks, Brasil Café, and iPic Houston) and includes various film features such as narrative, documentary, video exhibits, live multimedia performances, panel discussions, and learning workshops aimed to connect people over the love of films and the art of making films. The festival also offers free outdoor and field trips screenings. Along with all this, there is a variety of premier food, art, and various other entertainment options. Overall, the Houston Cinema Arts Festival engages people in a storyteller’s world whether as a means of entertainment or escape.

Each year, the festival hosts innovative cinema including commendable lineup of actors, producers, directors, technicians, and films for the celebration. The aim of the festival to celebrate the stellar art of film-making and the artistic process involved. The Houston Cinema Arts Festival also witnesses several internationally famed celebrities and influential personalities.

With such a huge coverage and multi-venues involved, one might tend to feel all lost; but not if you read some essential highlights below:

  • Check out what is screening each night by visiting the official website of the Houston Cinema Arts Festival and watching the trailers or reading synopsis of each film.
  • The website will also provide list of screenings alongside the venue of the screening. The entire schedule with dates and venues is available on the official website.
  • Alternatively, you can download the Houston Cinema Arts Festival App and check the venues, dates, films being screened.
  • Some of the screenings and shows are free for all, while there are many others with minimum entry fee such as $10; depending on what time you go. Tickets can be purchased at the venue or online.
  • The festival has multiple single tickets, same day or all-day pass holder options available. It is recommended to book tickets in advance as they tend to run out quite fast.
  • The screenings take place beginning from 11 in the morning and continue even after 9 at night – so there is always a show for everyone per their time of preference.
  • Also, there will be lot of dining and snacking options available.
  • To appeal to the younger crowd, the festival offers selected free screenings for schools to attend so that the children do not miss out on school or the festival.

The festival is worth attending and should not be missed if you have the chance. So, get going and grab those cheap flight deals before all offers on flight tickets to Houston run out.

Andy Mathur

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