Do you love Macabre & Mysterious? Visit these places in London

London, known for Big Ben and Tower Bridge, has more to offer than an average tourist can anticipate. If a city can encapsulate the pinnacle of human evolution, it must be standing on a graveyard, won’t you reckon? Nothing captures the horror of the past like the Macabre stations of London.

Hiding in its millennia-old history are the macabre stations and one of a kind spooky houses. Yes, the world’s top running metro offers some spine-tingling scary attractions to millions of its tourists every year. Like a local would say: “Step into the eerie side of London.”

If you wish to have people capitalize your fear, here are the top places for you:

  1. Hyde Park, The Non-Human Graveyard

Sprawling around in a 350-acre lush green space meant for jollies and day picnics, Hyde Park is a popular London Horror Attraction. The location has an ancient burial ground, where more than 300 pets were buried––thus chiming at the name of being a Non-Human Graveyard.

It is said that the people there have sensed the presence of unnatural appearances and chilling coincidences have been confirmed by a decree of accounts.

  1. The Old Operating Theatre Museum

 The Old Operating Museum is widely regarded as one of the topmost haunted places in London. It is located in the attic of the early 18th century of the Old St Thomas’ Hospital. The hospital saw many innovations in the field of medical surgeries, which of course, was carried on the backs of many unnatural deaths. The room, to date, reeks of flayed carcasses and has half-cut eyeballs as a decor on the walls.

Visitors have confirmed the accounts of hearing cries and screams of patients in pain and agony in the passing corners of staircases and the attic.

  1. Spaniards Inn

Spaniards Inn has a dark history, which has contributed to it being one of the most hasted hotels in London. While dining is the front lair of the Inn, what ticks off visitors the most is the Macabre quotient of it.

Dick Turpin, a famous anti-social of London, who operated his crime ring from there, has been a major sighting at the Inn.

  1. The Flask

A buzzing pub of the Highgate, the Flash, has a record of haunting incidents. It was revealed that a Spanish Barmaid hanged herself in the cellar after being betrayed by her lover. There is also significant proof that the first-ever autopsy was done in London. Scary, isn’t it?

It has been rumored that a man in Cavalier’s Uniform, along with a lady draped in white Roams around the bay area.


  1. Bleeding Heart Yard

The Bleeding Heart Yard holds within its ground a cobbled courtyard, the namesake of a stabbed picture of the Virgin Mary. The story behind the horrifying photography dates back to centuries when a mutilated body of Lady Elizabeth Hatton was found in the courtyard of the establishment. Her body was strewn across the ground but the heart was still pumping blood. Visitors have stated that the cries of Lady Hatton can still be heard, and visuals of a mutilated body were also experienced by some unfortunate souls.

Love challenging yourself? Pay a visit to these on your next trip.

Edward Smith

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