Facing Pre-Travel Anxiety? 5 Incredibly useful tips

Booked your flight tickets or agreed to go on a trip with friends but not sure if you really feel up for it because you are anxious, your heart is racing, you feel knots in your stomach, you are stressed, and the idea of the trip is terrifying you in a way? – Well, then you are experiencing pre-travel anxiety. A widely common but unpopular phenomenon, where a person experiences several of the above symptoms as the days of travel approach near. However, pre-travel anxiety is not something to worry about and can be easily handled provided you follow some of the below tips from LatinOFare. 

Identify the source of pre-travel anxiety and accept it

The source of travel anxiety can depend on person-to-person. Some people could be worried about the language challenges, some could be anxious about the uncertainty of the upcoming days, whereas some might be worried about not miss out anything on the holiday, etc. Other questions that might pop in the mind and create anxiety are – will you make it on time for the air flight? Will there be long queues at the airport? Have you packed everything that you need? What if you don’t like the place? And so on. But it can all be tackled provided you know the problem and accept the fact that you are having anxiety issues. You’d be able to calm your mind further when you know what stresses you.

Take care of yourself before flying

Anxiety might not show very loud symptoms, or some people might not experience any anxiety at all until the last few hours. Hence, it is best to be prepared well in advance. So, in the weeks falling before your trip, make sure you are healthy, eating well, engaging in hobbies, talking to friends, as well as sleeping well. Moreover, do get all your basic health check-ups done including blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, blood circulation, etc. Meditate if you experience any anxiety symptoms and focus more on inhaling and exhaling exercises to calm the muscles of the body and relax your mind.

Research your destination and get photographs

One of the main causes of pre-travel anxiety is the uncertainty of the upcoming days. Once, that is addressed a lot of anxiousness is taken care of. So, LatinOFare advises you to research the destination thoroughly after booking your flight tickets. Familiarize yourself with the native languages a little bit; check out the best places to eat, shop, and dine; best tourist attractions; and so much more. Also, if possible get print outs of the photos of the travel destination so that the idea settles down naturally in your subconscious mind.

Plan your itinerary and travel

Once, you are through with your research, you must make an itinerary that covers all the places and things you want to do. Try and keep some buffer in the plan for any uncertainties and rest keep at it. Moreover, your travel to the airport, your flight time, your commuting in the travel destination, etc. – all should be well-planned so that there are minimum chances of anything going wrong and your anxiety levels rising.

Pack in advance

Sometimes, not the idea of travel but packing gets to the mind and triggers anxiety. Hence, it is best to start packing bit-by-bit at least a week in advance. Keep all essentials, make not of all things missing, shop for them, and ensure you have packed everything on the list. Moreover, do check things you must carry online for your travel destinations such as if it’s a beach place, you will need more sunblock and beachwear.

Follow these easy tricks and be sure to say good-bye to pre-travel anxiety and have a smashing holiday!

Edward Smith

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