Lip – Smacking Foods Of Argentina

Think Argentina and the first 3 things that pop in your mind – Messi, Maradona and Soccer. Many forget that there is a country that spans more than 1 million square miles and has a population of over 40 million. What’s the one thing that unites them after football? Food! Argentina is a gastronomical paradise with influences from all over the world. Here are 5 of the best which you can relish in Argentina.

  1. Asado

More than a dish, Asado is the spirit of Argentina. It is a celebration of food where people gather and spend hours chatting and eating. No wonder Asado is the national dish. Also known as Parrilla, this is a pot-pourri of grilled meats blended with the local Chimichurri sauce. A tangy condiment, made of lime juice, olive oil, oregano, onion, garlic, chili pepper flakes and parsley. This dish became popular by the cowboys who would live the roving life and feed on plenty of beef and pork, which were widely available in the countryside. Don’t miss it while you are there!

  1. Provoleta

Say cheese! Provoleta in Argentina is one of the simple pleasures of life. It’s nothing but melted cheese roasted on the outside and drippy on the inside. It’s caramel-like crispy texture is a sight to remember. And it melts in your mouth with the very first bite and leaves a warm smokey aftertaste. What makes it even heaven? You guessed it, the Chimichurri condiment, which is like the icing on the cake.

  1. Choripan

Choripan is the Argentinian version of the American hot dog. A juicy piece of sausage is sandwiched between two hot and crusty breads followed by dollops of homemade Chimichurri. It is the local go-to food and the number one street snack in the country. Hold a Choripan in one hand and then wash it down with some nice Yerba Mate, the national drink of Argentina. It is made of Yerba leaves, which are indigenous to the region. These two make quite a combo!

  1. Alfajores

Big things come in small packages. Alfajores is definitely one of them. Argentinians love their sweets. In fact, you will see the locals carry them everywhere. Right from the subway station to the local soccer match. It’s a wonderful concoction of creamy caramel cream and chocolate sauces, which is locked between two crumbly biscuits. You can even add Dulce de Leche and a variety of jams. 

  1. Empanadas

Empanadas are pockets of bread like Tortillas, which the locals stuff with veggies, meats or even desserts. Sold all across Argentina, it’s not a food for the locals but the way of life. They like deep-fried or baked depending on the filling inside.

Is Argentina on your mind?

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Andy Mathur

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