Tips To Avoid The Worst Airline Fees

In the quest for making profit, airlines like to seek extra charges. Quite often these irksome charges that may not seem much, can add up collectively really fast making you pay hundreds of dollars for absolutely no good reason. So how do you avoid these ridiculous fees? Try these simple tips to avoid the worst airline fees.

Weigh your Baggage

How does it feel when you end up paying more for carrying your baggage along than the actual worth of the baggage itself? Well, we all know that feeling. Checking in an additional baggage can easily cost you around $50- $80. The carry-on baggage is generally free, so make use of it if your baggage is a little overweight. Always make sure you weigh your baggage in advance. Also, if required book an extra baggage while making online flight booking and bag some of the cheapest bag fees.

Be certain about your travel plan

Non-refundable flight tickets are generally cheaper compare to the refundable ones. Non-refundable ones are an obvious pick. But if you are uncertain about the plan, book the refundable ones. They will cost you a little more, but surely lesser than what you will end up paying to change your travel plan on a non-refundable one.

Carry your own food

Get your own food as the food prices on flights are really inflated. You can even pick something from the airport or get the food packed from home to avoid paying unnecessary high charges for even the smallest of the food items.

Seat Fees

Seat selection is one of the most popular ways of making passengers pay a premium cost for comfortable seats in the economy class. Do not make the seat selection while making the online flight booking. Ask for it while boarding, a lot of time they do end up giving it to you if it’s overbooked.

Collect the points

If you are a frequent flyer, just enroll for the airline loyalty programs. Stick to that same airline and collect enough reward points to be eligible for some of the best flight deals like a seat upgrade, extra baggage, free insurance or even free flight tickets. All absolutely free of cost!

Carry something warm

Save up on the extra cost for a blanket. It gets really chilly being thousands of feet in the air. So carry a sweater or a stole to keep you warm.

Although a little difficult, these tips will surely help you navigate the complex tangle of costs, saving you from paying hundreds of dollars as fees.

Edward Smith

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