Travel etiquette tips when traveling to South America

South America includes 12 countries and each of them is as varied as it gets. Talk about clear beaches, sharp glaciers, mesmerizing architecture, colorful towns, beautiful lagoons, breathtaking mountains, glorious landscapes, and bustling cities – South America has it all. And if you’ve got your airplane tickets booked for this magical place, you have for sure made the best travel decision. Just one more thing, we’d suggest you take a quick read of the travel etiquettes you must know when traveling to South America

Formal Dining 

Though dining rules and etiquettes vary from country to country in South America some general rules are applicable across the countries. The food is eaten in continental style with the fork in the left and knife in the right hand. Also, before beginning the meal, everyone raises a toast to health. Specifically, for countries such as Argentina and Bolivia, it is preferred that wine is poured from the right hand, while the bottle is to be held from the middle or near the top. This is considered a mark of respect for the eating companion.

Dress Well 

South Americans take their appearances very seriously and hence, when you are visiting the countries in South America, remember to always look your best. No matter the occasion – dinner or a normal town walk – you should dress in a formal and upscale tone. Always put your best foot forward and make a lasting impression. Do not wear sportswear, shorts, sneakers, etc. to an event.

Ease on Punctuality

South American countries are more relaxed when it comes to time adherence. You can expect people to arrive in 15-30 minutes late than the scheduled time. The same attitude is prevalent in the hospitality industry also; hence, you might as well be prepared for slow service and delayed bills, unless specifically asked for. The best key to deal with it is to blend in and be patient.

Bring a Gift

When visiting someone’s home in any South American country, it is widely preferred that you take along a small gift for the host. You can choose safer options such as flowers, chocolates, wine, etc. Or you could bring a unique remembrance or toke from the native country.

Learn Basic Spanish

If you wish to make this an epic holiday, try to brush up your knowledge about Spanish and learn some handy conversational Spanish. You could start with some phrases such as Buenos Dias, Gracias, etc.

Observe and Learn Socially

It is difficult to generalize the social customs and behavior across the South American countries; hence, it is best to observe a certain environment and then learn the way of doing things. For example, the people of Brazil and Venezuela are very direct and often appear as boastful; whereas people from Peru and Paraguay are more reserved and could come across as rude.

With such easy travel etiquettes to follow, you can be sure to be completely immersed in love for South America after your trip. Just plan and book wisely; check LatinOFare for cheap flight deals and book the travel protection plan to gain benefits such as trip cancellation, trip delays, baggage delays, emergency medical expenses, etc. You should also study and opt for LatinOFare’s travel assistance services that offer various post-ticketing benefits.

Edward Smith

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